How Often Should I Get a Massage?

Every day! Well, maybe that’s not practical, even though it would be
nice. This is one of the most common questions clients ask about
massage therapy, and it really all depends on WHY you get massages.
Do you get massages for health benefits? Or, to help you relax and
handle the stress of everyday life? Most likely it’s a combination of the
two, so let’s look at some of the most common reasons to get regular

Relaxation & Stress Relief
One of the very best reasons to get a massage is for relaxation.
Relaxation massage helps to support your body, including blood
circulation and flexibility of joints. Regular massage can help prevent
pain, muscle tension, and stress points from building up and causing
problems. Why wait until you have a problem to get a massage?
Massage is perfect for preventing issues with your tissues. Relaxation
massage is usually recommended at least once per month, or as often
as you want!

There may be times in your life where you experience higher levels of
stress and more muscle tension than normal. It is especially important
to practice good self-care during these times. When we “don’t have
time” for a massage, is usually when we need one the most. Make
yourself a priority even during stressful times, your health is worth it.
If you are in a high-stress job or you work in an environment where you
stay in a certain position for a long period of time (at a computer for
example), you may begin to develop tight or “knotted” muscles. This
will frequently occur in your shoulders, arms, and back. All of this
increased muscle tension will make movement harder and can cause a
great deal of pain. Regular massage can help to keep you loosened up
and will help to prevent pain and stiffness.

Living with high levels of stress for a prolonged amount of time
increases the risk of contracting heart disease and other diseases. It has
been estimated that 75 – 90 percent of all visits to primary care
physicians are for stress related problems. The good news is, massage
can help! Just knowing your massage is coming up in a few days can
help to relieve stress, and a massage every 2-4 weeks will help with
stress related tension.

Sports Recovery
Are you a weekend warrior, or do you just like to stay in shape? Either
way, massage can help with sports performance and recovery. Many
athletes and physically active people receive sports massage because it
enhances their performance, prevents injury, and speeds up their
muscles’ recovery. Competitive sports can put a lot of stress on a
person’s muscles! Research conducted at the Buck Institute for
Research on Aging at McMaster University in Ontario shows that
massage reduces inflammation and stimulates the growth of new
mitochondria, the energy-producing units in the cells, after strenuous
exercise. This means that massage can help relieve pain, build muscles
and help with muscle recovery too! For these benefits it is
recommended that you get a massage up to three times a week or at
least three times a month.

Chronic Health Conditions
People with ongoing health issues often find massage very helpful to
alleviate symptoms. Chronic health problems that greatly benefit from
massage therapy include back pain, joint pain, and localized
inflammation. If you get therapy for specific issues, the frequency of
getting massage therapy varies with the type of condition you have and
how severe it is. Relief from pain can usually be achieved with 2-4
massage sessions per month. Your massage therapist will work with
you to help you get on the best schedule for your body.

Pregnant women can greatly benefit from massage therapy! Prenatal
massage and is popular among expectant mothers, who often
experience a lot of aches and pains as their pregnancy progresses.
Many women suffer from back pain, hip & sciatic pain, headaches, and
tired legs & feet. But you don’t have to, a certified massage therapist
can help to relieve those discomforts.

Going to your massage therapist once or twice a month can help with
the symptoms caused by pregnancy, and it can even help you sleep
better. Of course, it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor and
your massage therapist to ensure that you don’t have any pregnancy
related conditions that would contraindicate massage therapy for you.
Most women experiencing a healthy pregnancy can and should enjoy
regular massage sessions.

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