Fun Fact Friday

Fun Fact Friday Pound for pound, bone is as strong as steel and 3x stronger than the same quantity of reinforced concrete. Wow!

Should I use a Hot or Cold compress?

Question: Hot or Cold compress? Have you always wondered if you should use a hot compress or a cold compress? Cold compress is for injuries that occur 24 to 72 hours (bumps, bruises, strains, sprains, swelling, soreness from workouts). You can apply ice for no more than 20 min at ..Continue Reading

Fun Fact Friday

Fun Fact Friday Did you know that Bob Hope, who lived to be 100 years old, had a daily therapeutic massage health regiment? He believed in the restorative effects of massage.

Winter Blues Got You Down?

Are you suffering from a case of the winter blues? Many of us suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder / SAD, especially in areas with limited sun like Ohio. Well you are in luck. Massage can help! Getting a regular massage can: Reduce anxiety and depression Increase neurotransmitters associated with lowering ..Continue Reading

Fun Fact Friday!

Fun Fact Friday Did you know that massage therapy is over 5000 years old? There has even been studies of early caveman drawings, suggesting that massage was present in that time. Wow!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! A new year has begun and it is time to think about our new year resolutions and how we can make 2017 a happy and healthy year. Make massage therapy apart of your life. Don’t think of it as just a “treat” or a “luxury”. Massage therapy ..Continue Reading